My Comment on Malaysia Flight 370

     Much has been said about Malaysia Flight 370, the airliner that disappeared.  Most people think the plane went down into the Indian Ocean.  I don't.  What I look for is what makes sense, and what does not make sense.  The plane going down into the Indian Ocean does not make sense.  Why doesn't it make sense, why does it not make sense?  I am not a pilot, I have never flown an airplane in my life, but that does not make me stupid.  So here goes, I am going to try and make sense out of all this.

     35% of people think that it was some kind of "mechanical problem" that caused the plane to disappear.  Now the "programmed routing" of the plane would have been programmed to fly to Beijing, China, which was its destination.  But somehow, we are lead to believe, the plane programmed itself to fly to the Indian Ocean!?  Does anyone really believe this?  If this plane was programmed to fly to the Indian Ocean it would have to been programmed by the pilots.  But why?
There are several scenarios given for this act.  One is that the wife of the captain left him and therefore he decided to commit suicide.  Of course if this being true he would have to get the co-pilot to go along with this catastrophe.  Now I can just hear the conversation going on in the cockpit:

     The captain: "You know, Fariq, my wife just left me and I feel real bad about it, so I have decided to end it all by flying this plane into the ocean."

Co-pilot: "It's really that bad eh?"

The captain: "Yeah, it's really that bad, and I have decided to plunge it into the Indian Ocean."

Co-pilot:  "What's the matter with the ocean we are over now, you know, the South China Sea, som'n wrong with the water down there?"

The captain: "Well, I don't know, guess I just figured the Indian Ocean would be a nice place.  And you know what, we could put this plane on autopilot, and it will take a long time to run out of gas, and we could spend the time reminiscing about old times.  Are you with me on this?"

Co-pilot: "Well hell yes, anything for a old buddy!"

    As the saying goes, if you believe this I have a bridge I want to sell you.

     Now here would be, I think, a more likely scenario:

The Captain: You know Fariq, my wife just left me and I feel real bad about it, so I have decided to commit suicide and end it all by flying this plane into the ocean."

Co-pilot:  "But what about me?"

Captain: "I don't give a damn about you!"

Co-pilot:  "And what about all the passengers?"

Captain:  "I don't give a damn about them either!"

Co-pilot:  "Well, I'll tell you what captain, you turn this plane around and head it back toward  Beijing or I am going to beat the s**t out of you right now!"

     Now this seems to me to be the thing that would happen.  What about you, if you were the co-pilot would you just sit there and die?  No, I didn't think so.  No, I am sorry, I don't by the suicide scenario.

     But then someone said that the captain ask the co-pilot to go get some tea, and when the co-pilot left the cockpit the captain locked the door and continued for hours and hours and finally plunged the plane into the Indian Ocean.  Now as I said before, I am not a pilot, but is this protocol for pilots, the captain asking the co-pilot to get some tea?  Wouldn't the captain ask a stewardess to bring some tea? That seems more likely to me, to ask a stewardess to bring the tea, not the co-pilot.

     Then there is the one about the oxygen mask.  Something happened to the plane, oxygen was escaping, and the pilots were so busy that they forgot to put on their oxygen mask and blacked out, but somehow the plane programmed itself to fly to the Indian Ocean!  The captain, Zaharie Ahmad Shah, a man with 20,000 hours of flight time forgets to put on his oxygen mask?  Sorry, again, don't believe that.

     22% think the plane was crashed intentionally.  Please give me a reason for this.  And how do you get two men to agree to do this?  I don't buy this either.

     12% say they think it was terrorist.  I agree.

     9% think the plane landed.  I agree.

     5% think it was "aliens".  If there are aliens, why would they do this?  Why would they care?

     3% think the plane was shot down.  By who, and for what reason?  Doesn't make sense.

     Some bring up the question: Why choose an airliner full of people when there are plenty of anonymous planes to be had for terrorist activities.  I don't know.  But why did the 9/11 terrorist choose airliners full of people?  Why choose an airliner full of people to ditch into the Indian Ocean, when plenty of anonymous planes could be used for the purpose?

     Zaharie Ahmad Shah, Fariq Abdul Hanid, these are not Asian names, they are Arab names, most of the people who live in Malaysia are Moslems.  There are radicalized Moslems everywhere, and to think they wouldn't be in Malaysia is living in a dream world.  I say this plane was hijacked, most likely by the pilots for some undisclosed reason.  I believe it to have been an elaborate operation with quite a few people involved, some perhaps radar operators.  An elaborate ruse if you will, even the "handshakes" over the Indian Ocean could have been faked, leading people to believe the plane went down in that Ocean.  No personal belongs have been found, only parts of an airplane washed up on distant shores, which could have been dumped at sea.  I believe this airplane was flown up the Malacca Straight and when it reached the western end of Sumatra it turned back toward the Malaysian Peninsula and landed.  The plane may be hidden somewhere waiting for its eventual destiny, or perhaps it has been torn apart.  As for the passengers they may be held as prisoners or have been murdered.  Aircraft authorities around the world need to broaden their inquires into this matter, instead of ending with this idea that the plane wound up in the Indian Ocean.

     Thank you for reading.
